The Marshall County Election Board conducted a public hearing on the delinquent campaign finance report of Gary Schue who ran for another term on the Argos Town Council.
Schue did not submit his financial report until January 23rd by email and it was due by noon on January 17th.
When notified of the issue and the February 16th public hearing, Schue responded to the County Election Board on February 14th saying he was out of the country, so the board postponed his hearing until Monday, March 4th.
During Monday’s meeting, County Clerk Jenny Bennitt read an email from Mr. Schue stating he was unable to attend due to his full-time job. He wanted Election Board members to know that he hadn’t received any donations to his campaign and when he was on the town board, members would remind each other of deadlines but since he wasn’t successful in his bid for re-election, he didn’t receive a reminder and said he “forgot.”
Bennitt said she didn’t feel forgetting was a valid reason. Susie Kreighbaum commented that most of the delinquent candidates were fined a minimal charge. She then motioned to implement a fine of $50 for Mr. Schue and it was seconded and unanimously approved.
County Clerk Bennitt will send an email to Mr. Schue telling him of the Election Board’s decision and informing him that he has 15 days to pay the fine.