1-28-25 Tuesday News 1 A.M. E-2
Last week, the Marshall County Commissioners were updated by County Highway Superintendent Jason Peters on his department’s activities.
The Highway Department and Commissioners continue to prioritize bridge work around the county. Bridge #1 on Ule Trail had its letting date pushed back to February while waiting on the final payment for a parcel of land needed for the construction project. The emergency replacement of the Randolph Street Bridge #232 in Centennial Park is moving forward. Homer Tree Service has been clearing both sides of the right-of-way. Removal of the old bridge is scheduled to begin this week.
With the INDOT NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability) call for projects, the bridge on Michigan Road north of U.S. 6 in LaPaz was submitted for a deck reconstruction project. Superintendent Peters told the commissioner that with the amount of work already planned for the bridge, INDOT suggested a complete rehabilitation of the superstructure to increase the estimated service life of the bridge rather than just doing the deck rehab. Commissioners need to consider updating the financial commitment letter for this proposed project with INDOT soon.
The Highway Superintendent presented the commissioners with the list of projects for the Community Crossing grant. Projects include 9th Road from Pioneer Drive west to the County Line with a cost estimate of $1,150,000; the Nutmeg Medows loop, for $168,000; 16 C Road from Redwood Road to Pear Road for $495,500; and 3rd Road from King Road to West Shore at Lake of the Woods for $315,000. Peters said the total of the projects was estimated at $2,128,500. The grant, if awarded, will cover $1.5 million, and the county’s match will be $500,000. The county will cover the additional funds needed, $128,500.