A new pavilion will be constructed at the Memorial Forest on State Road 17 in Marshall County this fall.
Last week the Marshall County Park Board considered two quotes to construct a 16 by 24 pavilion. Yoder Log & Timber, the contractor who relocated the historic trustee cabin, proposed a rustic pavilion using logs from the forest and having the concrete work completed by a separate contractor. Langfeldt Concrete proposed a new style pavilion using pressure treated wood. Yoder’s quote was $2,000 higher than Langfeldt’s.
Board member Brian Main asked if there were enough funds to complete the project, yet this year and board secretary Deb VanDeMark said they could “juggle” funds to make it happen.
The park board felt if they went with Langfeldt’s concept it should be placed near the kiosk and if they went with the rustic pavilion from Yoder Log & Timber it would be placed near the cabin.
Board member Dick Markley was not at the meeting but sent a note with his thoughts. He said he’s seen work from both companies and their work is quality craftsmanship. He had some concern that Yoder Log & Timber may have trouble completing the project this year. Markley commented that Langfeldt Concrete is a family-owned Marshall County business.
Board member Brain Main recommended expanding the concrete footprint beyond the drip edge of the roof to avoid erosion at the edge of the concrete. He then motioned to approve the low quote of Langfeldt Concrete for a 16 x 24 pavilion at a cost of $18,838 which is $2,000 less than the quote from Yoder Log & Timber. The park board approved the motion.