It was a quick meeting Thursday evening for the Marshall County Park and Recreation Board. Their meeting was moved up 45 minutes to allow members to attend another county meeting at 6 p.m.
Board Secretary Deb VanDeMark presented the monthly invoices for Marshall County Fiber and NIPSCO along with a $400 bill from Hooters Tree Service for stump grinding. There was also an invoice for $19,438 from Langfeldt for the new pavilion in the Memorial Forest. The invoice is for fill dirt, concrete, the framing, trusses and metal roofing. It was commented that the metal roofing hasn’t been installed yet, but it is expected to be completed in a week or two.
The County Park Board approved payment of invoices but will not pay the Langfelt invoice until the project is completed. Nearing the end of the year, the park board wants to make sure the pavilion project is paid for using 2024 funds.
The board also approved two transfers so funds will be available to cover the full Langfeldt invoice. $1,000 will be transferred from Yellow River to Memorial Forest and another $1,000 will be transferred from Trails to Memorial Forest.
Jeff Houin, co-chair of The Trails at Mill Pond, presented an invoice for $806.80 for lumber supplies. During the October board meeting, members approved expenditures of up to $1,500 for maintenance and to construct new features at the Trails. Houin said they still need to purchase posts and plan to do so by the end of this month. He will present the final invoice to the Park Board at their next meeting on December 5th at 6 p.m.