Dave Hostetler, President of the Marshall County Plan Commission, appeared before the County Commissioners on Monday to discuss the hiring process to replace County Plan Director Ty Adley, who recently resigned to accept the new Plymouth Plan Director’s position.
Hostetler wanted to clarify the process and make sure he wasn’t overstepping. He told the commissioners, “I believe our environment in the county right now is a little bit toxic, and we may have some difficulty finding someone to step into that role.” He said finding a quality replacement will take more than just posting the open position on the county’s website. Hostetler said they must be more aggressive in finding a good candidate for the position.
Not familiar with the hiring process used by county government, Hostetler said he spoke with the county’s HR director and asked if she could assist with placing advertisements for the open position.
Hostetler told the commissioners, “I need some guidance from you. What do you want to do?” He was blunt and told the commissioners, “I’m not getting paid to do this. I’m sorry to the public. I’m a Marshall County resident. I want to save money and all that kind of stuff, but my time is worth something, too.”
Commissioner Stan Klotz said he was President of the Plan Commission when Ty was hired, and it did take a lot of time. There were multiple meetings for interviews and discussions.
Hostetler told the commissioners he’s called a joint work session meeting of the County Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals members to ensure everyone is “on the same page” as we proceed in the hiring process. That meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th, at 6:45 p.m. in room 203 of the Couty Building. It is open to the public and will be streamed on the county’s YouTube channel.
Hostetler said part of the Plan Commission's issue is that it may not have funds for advertising or legal services. Therefore, they can’t advertise the open position and cannot speak with their legal counsel if funds aren’t available to pay the invoices.
The County Commissioners or Council do not hire the County Plan Director; the position is employed by the County Plan Commission. Hostetler asked what happens at the end of November when Adley is gone. Will the County Plan Commission and BZA stop meeting? Does that mean the County Planning Commission can’t accept any applications for improvement of location permits, subdivisions, variances, and other land use applications? Can the Board of Zoning Appeals rule on applications for development of standards variances, special exceptions, and appeals without a county director?
County Attorney Jim Clevenger suggested speaking with the Plan Commission’s legal counsel, Derek Jones, about the interviewing process. He said, “It is the Plan Commission’s responsibility to find somebody and hire somebody.”
Commissioner Kevin Overmyer suggested contacting the state’s Plan Commission association to put feelers out. Attorney Clevenger suggested contacting Ball State because they have been a source in the past.
Hostetler asked if the County’s HR Department could assist in the process or if it is up to him and Plan Commission members to handle the whole thing independently. He said it is a timely process if they do it right.
Commissioner Klotz said he would be shocked if the position was filled by the November 30th date when Adley leaves. He said they would have to devise a part-time solution and alluded to the fact that he had something in mind.
During Tuesday's What’s Your Opinion Show on GIANT fm WTCA, County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer said after the meeting, Klotz suggested Steve Gorski, the Culver Building Inspector, fill in temporarily.
Dave Hostetler said he spoke with Mayor Listenberger, who said the city would cooperate in allowing Adley to assist during the interim process.