The Marshall County Republican Party reorganization meeting was held this past Saturday, March 1st, at GOP Headquarters in Plymouth. Thank you to all our precinct and vice-precinct committeemen who participated!
County officers will remain the same for the next four years: Chairman Deb VanDeMark, Vice-Chairman Jim Masterson, Secretary Sharon Dotta, and Treasurer Bryan Howard.
The Marshall County GOP Annual Lincoln Day Dinner will be held on Friday, March 28, at the Gallery on West in Argos. Lieutenant Governor Micah Beckwith and Attorney General Todd Rokita will be the guest speakers. Tickets are $50 each, and a table for eight can be obtained for $400.
The next Marshall County Republican Park Breakfast will be Thursday, March 20th, at Christo's Family Dining in Plymouth from 7:00 to 8:00 A.M. Area Republicans are welcome to attend.
The Marshall County Young Republicans meetings will be held on Saturdays at the Coffee Lodge & Bakery in Plymouth from 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. Those interested in participating should contact Sarah VanVactor for more details at sarahangelillo@gmail.com. The meeting dates are Saturday, March 15th; Saturday, April 19th; Saturday, May 17th; and Saturday, September 20th.