
Culver Opens Single Bid for Community Crossing Project on Lakeshore Drive

Last month the Culver Town Council opened bids for their Community Crossing project, widening Lakeshore Drive between State Road 10 and Academy Drive.  The project includes 2 5-foot bike lanes, and 2 10-foot driving lanes and will address water runoff on the east side of the road.

Ginny Munroe, the Town Manager told the council only one bid was received, and it was from Reith Riley Construction.  Their bid was $1,204,942.

The bid from Reith Riley will be reviewed by VS Engineering, the designers of the project.  VS will make a recommendation to the Culver Town Council, and they will decide on the project at their next meeting on Tuesday, March 14th at 6:30 p.m.   

Culver was awarded $320,456.25 in INDOT’s Community Crossings Matching Grant funds towards the project which would start this spring.