
Dept. Heads Report to Bourbon Town Council

During Tuesday, March 14th’s meeting of the Bourbon Town Council, reports were received from department heads. 

Police Sergeant Amsden submitted the Police Department’s monthly report.

Roger Terry, Supervisor of Public Works, presented the activity reports of the departments.  Terry stated that spring leaf pickup will begin on March 27th through April 7th weather permitting.

Chuck Dewitt from the Bourbon Zoning Department introduced a couple of resolutions last week, the first two were rezoning requests.  The property at 410 West Center Street was approved by the Town Council to move from Light Industrial to Single Family Residential.  The second rezoning approval was for 3 parcels owned by Craig & Selena Hawley.  The change from Single Family Residential to Multifamily Residential.

The council also heard a resolution requesting to vacate a proposed alley across from 203 Quad Street. The decision was tabled due to the lack of signatures at the recommendation of Attorney Alex Hoover.

While Fire Chief Chad Stepp was not present at the meeting his report showed the department had 11 runs in February; 3 traffic accidents, 1 brush fire, 1 gas leak, 1 weather water, 3 disregard calls, and 2 medical calls in which the LUCAS defibrillator was used.

Attorney Alex Hoover told the Bourbon Council that he was getting ready to file abatements through the court system on the residences at 106 W. Sunset and 1006 N. Washington.  Letters had been sent in the past by Building Commission Chuck Dewitt and also Attorney Hoover with no response from the owners.