Viki Brown, Executive Director of Dustin’s Place was thrilled to share with the community the incredible success of their first ever Kids Grief Camp - Camp DP. Thanks to generous donations and unwavering support, Dustin’s Place was able to provide a safe and nurturing environment with amazing offsite camp experiences for 57 kids from 37 different families at NO COST.
Brown said, “This was only possible because of the 42 volunteers donating over 550 hours!”
Throughout camp, the staff were able to witness firsthand the profound impact that grief camp had on the children and volunteers who participated. From healing activities to group discussions, each moment was filled with compassion, understanding, and support. The children had the opportunity to express their emotions, share their stories, remember their person, and connect with others who are on a similar grief journey.
The kids ranged in age from 6 years of age to 18. The causes of death included 38% from medical issues, 19% were cancer related, 15% happened through an accident, 13% were suicide, 11% through overdose and 4% were caused by homicide.
Brown said, “Contributions played a crucial role in making this event a reality and we are incredibly grateful for the ongoing commitment to our mission - no one grieves alone. Your generosity has brought hope and comfort to so many families during their time of need, and we couldn't have done it without you.”
Viki Brown, Executive Director said they look forward to continuing this important work together and making a positive difference in the lives of those who are grieving. She encouraged the community to stay tuned for other ways to connect through their upcoming school groups, bi-weekly grief support groups, and the Annual Giving Hope Gala.