
Educators from Purdue Extension updates commissioners


This month, Purdue Extension Marshall County updated the County Commissioners on happenings in their department.

Karen Richey, Health and Human Sciences educator discussed some of the programs she offers to the community including the ServSafe Manager Trainings.  Every restaurant is required to have a certified ServSafe Manager on staff. The ServSafe Food Handler Trainings is perfect for vendors who provide homemade items for sale at the various farmers markets.

Richey also offers a 4-day Mastering Home Food Preservation training program, along with Preserve it now, a 5-hour workshop on food preservation.  Dining with Diabetes is another offering from Purdue Extension and a Fear of Falling course.

Richie also discussed working with inmates in the Marshall County Jail.  The goal of the program is to innovate, invest, and inspire incarcerated individuals to fulfill the unemployment factor by providing life skills that are needed to become qualified for job openings when they are released.

Brieanna Slonaker, the Ag and Natural Resources educator told the commissioners she is continuing her education.  She attended the Dairy Youth Academy, a weekend work session for professional development that included 9 high school students including one from Marshall County. 

Slonaker was excited to have a local farm in Marshall County participating in the Purdue on the Farm program.  Purdue research protocols will be put to use out on the farm instead of on the campus. 

Another program Purdue Extension has started is Soil Health, a brand-new program and Brieanna Slonaker is one of the first educators to be trained in and gave input on the curriculum. 

Slonaker attended and helped with programming for a Drone Class.  She is in the process of obtaining her drone license and will offer drone training next month that is open to anyone.  Brieanna said farmers are using drones to help with crops.

Purdue Extension Marshall County will provide quarterly updates with the County Council and Commissioners.