The National Weather Service has issued a Flood Warning for the Yellow River in Plymouth.
On Wednesday, July 10, the river has been forecasted to crest at 14.1 feet on Thursday afternoon. This would be considered a moderate-level flood.
At 14 feet, some inundation of structures along the river occurs. In Plymouth, some residents and businesses will experience water rising into yards and potentially to their buildings. Areas prone to this level of flooding include the Conservation Clubhouse or Magnetic Park, River Park Square, Gill Park, the dog park near the tennis courts, and houses along the river where banks are low.
Outside of Plymouth, river flooding should be confined to mostly farmland and wooded areas. A few houses near the river may be impacted.
For Plymouth residents concerned about flooding, the Plymouth Street Department will have sand and bags available for pickup at 2124 Western Avenue. For Marshall County residents outside of the city, sand and bags can be picked up at the old civil defense building, located just north of the Marshall County Highway Department on King Road. Those needing sandbags will have to bring their own shovels. Both locations will be open 24/7 over the next few days.
The torrential rainfall this week has also led to flash flooding in low-lying areas and around small creeks and streams. A list of roads closed due to high water is available on the Marshall County App and the Marshall County EMA Facebook page.
If you come across a flooded road, DO NOT attempt to cross the water! A handful of vehicles have stalled in the water already Wednesday. “Turn around, don’t drown!”
For further updates regarding the ongoing flooding, please monitor the Marshall County App and the Marshall County EMA Facebook page.