
Gov. Braun urges USFS to reconsider plans for Hoosier National Forest

Governor Mike Braun urges the United States Forest Service (USFS) to immediately withdraw the Buffalo Springs Restoration Project in the Hoosier National Forest, which would log 5,000 acres and burn more than 15,500 acres of public national forest land between Paoli, French Lick, and English in Indiana. Governor Braun insists that the USFS instead focus on the completion of the Hoosier National Forest Management Plan. 

"The Project area is treasured by Hoosiers and recreationists alike," said Governor Braun. "Its forests are a favorite destination for horseback riders, hikers, mushroom foragers, hunters and campers. Many Hoosiers have voiced concerns that these resources and their enjoyment of the area will be harmed by the Project."

The area impacted includes Tucker Lake, Springs Valley, Youngs Creek, and Lick Creek Trails. The Orange and Crawford County Commissioners and Paoli Town Council have unanimously passed resolutions opposing the Project. 

Under the Biden Administration, USFS failed to modify or change the basic components of the Project, despite several alternatives proposed by local residents and organizations. Since assuming office, the Trump Administration has demonstrated a seriousness about re-evaluating decisions of its predecessors in order to achieve optimal results for the American people. 

"As Governor of Indiana, I respectfully request that the USFS withdraw the Project, and that it instead focus on the completion of the long overdue Hoosier National Forest Management Plan," said Governor Braun.

To read Governor Braun's letter to the USFS, 
click here.