Attorney General Todd Rokita announced today that his office has filed a lawsuit against the owner of Hubbard Gardens Apartments in Indianapolis, alleging they failed to protect tenants against open sewer conditions and to properly maintain other essential systems.
During an inspection by Attorney General Rokita’s Homeowner Protection Unit on Sept. 27, his investigators found open sewer conditions, which were reported to the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Response Center. Residents said that the plumbing and sewage issues impacted them for months without a permanent remedy from the ownership.
“Hardworking Hoosiers don’t deserve to live in these types of conditions and are being treated horribly by the owner of this complex,” Attorney General Rokita said. “Our office will continue standing up for tenants’ rights and working to hold this bad actor accountable.”
The lawsuit alleges that Hubbard Gardens Apartments was enveloped in at least 89 litigation cases with violations of local health and housing code brought by the Marion County Public Health Department from Jan. 1, 2023, to Oct. 4, 2024. The violations state a failure to ensure basic occupancy standards due to severe plumbing issues, including flooding of tenant apartments and common areas with raw sewage. The lawsuit demands a jury trial, costs of prosecution, and other damages against the defendant for multiple violations of the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act.
Any tenants who have been adversely affected by the alleged actions of the owner of Hubbard Garden Apartments are asked to file a consumer complaint or contact our Homeowner Protection Unit at HPU@atg.in.gov for further information. Consumers can file a complaint by visiting indianaconsumer.com or calling 1-800-382-5516.