The Indiana Department of Child Services investigated 261 child deaths in 2023 and determined 56 were a result of abuse or neglect.
The Annual Report of Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities in Indiana details the circumstances leading to each fatality and highlights the risk factors that put children in danger.
According to the report, 20 of the fatalities were due to abuse, and 36 were the result of neglect. The majority (68 percent) of the fatalities involved a child 3 years old or younger, which is consistent with national trends.
Causes of death were taken from state death certificates. Death by weapon, including body part, was the leading cause of death, listed in 50 percent of cases. Drowning and poisoning or overdose also were leading factors.
DCS reviews all child fatalities that meet the following circumstances:
- For children under 3 years of age: The death is sudden, unexpected or unexplained, or involves allegations of abuse and neglect.
- For children age 3 or older: The death involves allegations of abuse or neglect.
The full report can be found here.
More information on child abuse and neglect prevention can be found here.