Wednesday evening a joint work session with members of the Marshall County Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals determined the process of hiring a new Plan Director to fill the vacancy that will open the end of November with the recent resignation of current Plan Director Ty Adley.
The joint work session was a public meeting, and members were told by their attorney, Derek Jones that votes could happen but it is the exclusive authority of the Plan Commission to hire a new Plan Director. While BZA members can make suggestions and ask questions since they will also be working closely with the Plan Director, they don’t get a vote in the hiring process. It was also noted that the County Commissioners don’t have a say in the hiring process.
Members discussed the salary aspect and were told the County Council sets the salary and the Plan Commission must use the existing approved salary.
Members asked if Adley could be contracted in the interim while the search for a new director is underway since his new position with the City of Plymouth begins in December. Adley said depending on the board's wants and wishes his assistance could be “fluid” or a “clean break.”
The joint meeting members were interested in having Adley continue to assist part-time while working full-time for the City of Plymouth. It was noted that the County Council would have to determine an hourly pay rate, but Councilwoman Deb Johnson who sits on the Plan Commission said the part-time position would have to go before the Council’s Personnel Committee for consideration first.
A member asked about funds for advertising the open position and Jones said the funds would be in the Plan Commission’s budget. The issue is the Council denied a request from Planning Director Ty Adley for additional funding for advertising and legal counsel. If additional funds are needed, the Plan Commission must contact Council President Jesse Bohannon with request. An example of advertising was mentioned in the meeting. The Nation American Planning Association allows 4-weeks of advertising on their website for $395 while they can advertise on the Indiana APA site for $100 for 4-weeks. Adley said he could reach out to a couple of colleges to post the opening along with the state’s site.
While Adley will leave the county at the end of November, the county must continue to act on requests. Jones said there are statutory deadlines for cases that must be met rather than Mr. Adley is assisting the county on a contractual basis or someone else is selected.
The Plan Commission unanimously passed a motion to have Adley begin sending the job opening to colleges with planning schools, and request advertising funds for 4-weeks or advertising on the National and Indiana APA sites.
The Plan Commission also created a four-member applicant screening committee composed of Hostetler, County Council and Plan Commission member Deb Johnson, BZA President Jeff Gustafson, and Commissioner Stan Klotz pending his acceptance.
Dave Hostetler was also authorized through a motion to continue his discussions with the City of Plymouth and with Adley to explore the possibility of Adley’s part-time assistance to the county pending Council’s approval to fund the part-time position. A memorandum of understanding between the city and county for Adley to assist the county would have to be approved by the commissioners.
The December meeting of the County Plan Commission has been canceled due to a lack of petitions. After Thursday’s Plan Commission meeting at Plymouth High School, that meeting has been continued until December 3rd. Another special meeting of the joint Plan Commission and BZA was scheduled for December 21 to keep the process moving.