In October, Deputy Ash with the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department filed a complaint regarding a burglary and theft from a residence in the 18,000 block of Apple Road. Several items were stolen from the residence, including power tools, TVs, and items.
The homeowner started searching Facebook Marketplace and found some of their stolen items listed for sale.
On Sunday, November 17, the homeowner met with the individual and identified his stolen items.
The Marshall County Sheriff's Department and the Kosciusko County Sheriff's Department went to the residence and spoke with the homeowner, Patresa Hunter, 55, of Mentone.
Hunter was arrested, transported to the Marshall County Jail, and booked in for theft/receiving stolen property, which is a level 6 felony. Her cash bond was set at $1,500.
Readers are reminded that charging information supported by an affidavit of probable cause is merely an allegation that a crime has been committed and that there is only probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. They are presumed innocent throughout the proceedings and are entitled to be represented by counsel and entitled to a trial by jury at which the State is obligated to provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt before a judgment of guilt may be made.