
Lemon is the chosen flavor for this year's Ice Cream Crank-Off at the County Fair


Each year the Marshall County Dairy Association sponsors a homemade ice cream crank-off during the Marshall County Fair. Each year a different flavor is selected. The flavor for 2024 is “Lemon”.

This year’s 34th annual crank-off will take place on Sunday, July 14. Check-in is from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., with cranking beginning at 1:00 in the Open Class Building at the fairgrounds in Argos.

Recipes should be prepared ahead and be ready for freezing. Contestants may compete as a team or as an individual, but teams are limited to three individuals. All entrants must be finished by 3:00 PM and prize money is awarded to the winners.

Safe food preparation guidelines must be observed. Cash prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place. A full list of rules and entry forms can be found at the end of this year’s Exhibit Guide. There is no cost to enter.