
M.C. BZA considers 3 special use requests at Tuesday's meeting

The Marshall County Board of Zoning Appeals meets Tuesday evening, June 11th at 7 p.m. in the second-floor meeting room of the County Building.

The agenda for the meeting includes a request for a special use to allow a home-based roofing business at 5300 Sage Road in Polk Township, an A-1 zoning district.

Also on the agenda is a special use request to allow a non-profit private remote control flying field at 3B Road in German Township, a A-1 zoning district.

The final request is another special use, this time to allow a 40-foot by 44-foot residential addition to an existing barn for a temporary second residence on the property at 1657 3rd Road in German Township, in a agricultural zone.

Members of the Marshall County Board of Zoning Appeals will review the proposed budget for 2025.

The County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting is open to the public and streamed live on the county YouTube site.