The North Township Advisory Board will be holding a public meeting tonight, Wednesday, November 6, at 6:00 pm. Meeting location is 411 S Michigan St, LaPaz.
Agenda items include discussion regarding employee policies; additional appropriations; discussion regarding part-time employees; schedule next meeting, and any other items necessary and pertaining to township matters.
Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of North Township, Marshall County, Indiana that the proper legal officers of the North Township Advisory Board will meet at 411 S. Michigan Street, Lapaz, Indiana at 6:00 p.m. on the 6th day of November, 2024 and will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for 2024:
Fund Category Line Item Amount
0101-General Office Supplies Record Books & Office Supplies $500
0101-General Services & Charges Attorney $8,000
0101-General Services & Charges Territory Study/Hearings $7,000
0101-General Services & Charges Printing & Advertising $2,700
Taxpayers appearing at such meeting shall have the right to be heard. The Additional Appropriations as finally made will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance. The Board will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of Funds to support the appropriations within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Certified copy of the action taken. Disabled persons needing special accommodations, please contact Emily Haskins at (574) 784-2445.
Emily Haskins
North Township Trustee