The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will open bids for the 2025 Sidewalk Program during their meeting Tuesday evening, November 12th at 6. The project is being bid this month because American Rescue Plan funds are being used and must be appropriated by the end of this year and spent by the end of 2025. The city plans to spend a couple hundred thousand on several sidewalk projects around the city.
Also, on the Board’s agenda are reports from various city department heads, the city attorney, and clerk treasurer.
The Common Council meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 and includes a public hearing on an additional appropriation resolution.
Council members will also consider a request to rezone a lot on Broadway Street from industrial to traditional residential for 3 Cramer LLC. The request comes with a favorable recommendation from the Plymouth Plan Commission.
City Council members hear the first reading of an ordinance amendment for the 2024 Salary Ordinance.
There are four resolutions on the agenda, one for the additional appropriations, one for the PIDCO for a Tax Abatement, a Commercial Revitalization rebate Program Grant by Tim Harman of Harman Restaurants and a resolution approving an order of the Plymouth Plan Commission.
Under Other Business is Veregy, a discussion on energy conservation, Ed Rodrique will give an update on the PRIDE Card while the city attorney will report on ONE Marshall County and the Comprehensive Plan.
The city meetings are held in the second-floor meeting room of City Hall. Those who attend should enter through the Garro Street entrance and move upstairs. The meetings are also streamed live using Teams on the city’s website.