The Plymouth Common Council will conduct a public hearing on the PIDCO Tax Abatement during their meeting tonight in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
The Board of Public Works and Safety will hear from various department heads and also a request for street closures on Thursday nights for the annual shopping event during the holiday season.
The Board of Public Works and Safety meeting begins at 6 p.m. and also includes hearing from board members, the city attorney, the clerk, and the general public.
The Common Council meeting at 6:30 has a number of agenda items along with the public hearing. The second and third reading of an amendment for the 2024 Salary Ordinance along with the continued discussion of the request for a Commercial Revitalization Rebate Program Grant from Tim Harman.
New on the agenda is the 2024 certification of compliance with nepotism and contracting policies, the first reading of an ordinance to amend the 2025 Salary Ordinance, and three resolutions. The first resolution is the Tax Abatement for the Plymouth Industrial Development Corporation. The second authorizes the clerk to transfer funds from the Rainy-Day Fund to the Hoham Grant Fund while the third resolution approves an order of the Plymouth Plan Commission.
The city meetings are open to the public and streamed live using Teams on the city’s website at www.plymouthin.com.