
Plymouth BZA approves variances of development standards for Coopers and Stewart

Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 2:30 AM

By Kathy Bottorff

Last week the Plymouth Board of Zoning Appeals approved two requests for Variances of Development Standards.

Scott and Sharon Cooper, of 329 Ewing Street in Plymouth, were granted the variance to build an addition to their home. The addition will not exceed the existing side-yard setback of 2’3” while the standard is 10 feet.

Attorney Burke Richeson spoke for the builder, CMD, and said the home currently operates a daycare center, and the addition at the back of the home will provide a learning center for the children at the daycare center.

During the public hearing, one neighbor spoke in favor.  With no opposition and the addition matching the home’s current building line the Plymouth BZA approved the request.

The second Variance of Development Standard request was from Sherri Stewart at 12563 Emerald Court.  Stewart purchased and had a 12 x 20 portable garage on skids installed next to her existing two-car garage without a permit.  The structure also sits on the property line.

Stewart said she is preparing for the time when her mother will need to come and live with her since she has dementia.  She plans on storing her items and vehicle in the portable garage.

Members of the Plymouth BZA had some trouble with this request because a permit was not sought prior to locating the structure and with it sitting right on the property line.  The BZA did vote 4 to 1 with Fred Webster being the lone no vote to approve the variance with the stipulation that it only be approved for the lifetime of Linda Rash.  It was also noted that the portable garage will need to have a fire-rated wall between the new structure and the existing garage if electricity is installed in the portable garage, it can be permitted when Stewart applies for the building permit for the temporary garage.