The Plymouth Common Council approved on the second and third readings an ordinance amending the 2024 Salary Ordinance to add the new full-time position of City Plan Director. Ty Adley, the current Plan Director for Marshall County, resigned effectively at the end of this month and will begin working for the City of Plymouth on December 1st. The ordinance creates a line in the 2024 budget for his salary.
Under New Business, the City Council also heard the first reading of an ordinance amending the 2025 Salary Ordinance.
City Attorney Jeff Houin explained that three full-time salaried positions were changed in the 2025 budget to hourly pay due to the federal government increasing the mandatory minimum salary amounts. That increase caused the council to change the HR Director, Park & Rec. Director and Promotion of the City Coordinator to an hourly pay status.
Monday night Houin said a federal judge put a halt on the rule and he doesn’t expect the next administration to address the issue. Houin then asked the city council to convert those three positions back to salaried positions.
On the first reading of an ordinance, the council doesn’t take a vote, it is typically only read by title. The city council will vote on the matter at their next meeting on Monday, December 9th.