
Plymouth City meetings Monday evening

Monday, March 24, 2025 at 3:00 AM

By Kathy Bottorff

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will award quotes for two pickup trucks for the Wastewater Department at their meeting tonight and the Building Commissioner will discuss an order to take action. 

Also, on the agenda of the Board of Public Works is a resolution to rename a portion of VanVactor Drive to Jolene Drive, a street closure request by Two Lights for Tomorrow, and a Work Zone Awareness Request by the Benjamin JW Fisher Memorial Foundation. 

The Board of Public Works and Safety meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the second floor Council Chambers of City Hall.

At 6:30 the Common Council meeting begins with two public hearings.  The first for an additional appropriations resolution and the second for the Tax Abatement for All Points Tool & Manufacturing.  The city attorney will also report on the Tax Abatement Compliance forms for Indiana Wheel Company.

Council members will consider accepting donations for the Mayor’s Summer of Music concert series and an application for exemption from licensing for The Fisher Memorial Foundation.

The city council will consider three resolutions, one for additional appropriations, one for a transfer of appropriation, and the final one for the Tax Abatement for All Points Tool & Manufacturing. 

Under Other Business is the future of the Bardwell Aquatic Center, an update on ONE Marshall County and an update on the city’s Comprehensive Plan.

The city meetings are streamed live using Microsoft Teams.

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 220 030 785 746

Passcode: dE2zi69G