
Plymouth Forward 2040 marketing subcommittee unveils new marketing logo

The Plymouth Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee was established this March after the city approved the Comprehensive Plan, Plymouth Forward 2040, last December.

Members of the Plymouth Forward 2040 Steering Committee remained committed to not only establishing the goals of the comprehensive plan but also to continue working to achieve those goals. The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee has no authority to make decisions but will work together to bring recommendations to the City.

Members represent a diverse spectrum of expertise including the chairman, City Attorney Jeff Houin. Membership is open to anyone willing to participate in the work of the Committee. There is no minimum or maximum number of members beyond the standing number of members established by resolution.

The Committee meets regularly, and several subcommittees have been created including:

Marketing – to celebrate the achievements of the committee and the City, fostering community ownership and pride.

Membership – to identify and recruit committee members to ensure a well-rounded perspective.

Zoning – to implement various strategies of the Plan that require amendments to the Plymouth Zoning Ordinance.

Revitalization Rebate – to restructure the Façade Grant Program to be stronger and offer a streamlined process to increase participation.

Building Trades – to start a renovation-trade program offered in Plymouth Schools.

The Grants and Funding subcommittee was created last week and will help pursue grants and funding opportunities for the city.

Last week Anna Kietzman and Debra Venti, members of the Marketing subcommittee revealed the new marketing logo for Plymouth which contains all the word “Plymouth” highlighting YOU with the theme - “Plymouth: Where YOU belong!” The subcommittee hopes to launch the new logo through social media and during the Plymouth Block Party that is scheduled for June 20th and the Arts in the Street event on July 27th.

Anyone interested in joining the effort should contact Houin at

Jamie Fleury from the Pilot News provided this information and photo.