A concerned citizen called the Marshall County Dispatch Center and reported a man with open containers of alcohol in a vehicle and children in the back seat.
On Friday, July 12th at 11:17 in the morning Plymouth Police Chief John Weir responded to Casey’s on East Jefferson Street for the report.
The chief made contact with Miguel Angel Hernandez, 31, of Plymouth and after speaking with him for a few minutes Corporal McIntyre pulled up and exited his squad car. At that point Mr. Hernandez took off running southbound across Jefferson Street towards the Junior High.
They located Hernandez between houses on Kingston Road and he was taken into custody and transported to the Marshall County Jail. He was booked in for resisting law enforcement, driving while suspended with a prior and on a warrant.
While the officers were chasing Hernandez, the children, who were teenagers in the vehicle, left the area.
Readers are reminded that charging information supported by an affidavit of probable cause is a mere allegation that a crime has been committed and that there is only probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. They are presumed innocent throughout the proceedings and are entitled to be represented by counsel and entitled to a trial by jury at which the State is obligated to provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt before a judgment of guilt may be made.