This month the Plymouth Park Board approved the 2024 agreement with Plymouth Junior League Baseball.
The annual baseball agreement runs from April 1, until October 31, 2024. The league is required to submit an annual statement of finances to the city along with a list of all officers including their addresses and phone numbers. Junior League Baseball will also provide the city with a copy of their insurance certificate.
The agreement requires the baseball league to work with the park department on taking care of the trash and garbage including the placement of trash containers. The agreement reserves the right to require the organization to keep, use and pay for private or separate trash containers, dumpsters or similar accommodations for trash and garbage occurring by reason of the activities of the organization.
The park shall furnish the baseball league a copy of keys for locks, buildings or facilities.
The baseball league shall collect a non-resident fee from each participant that does not live in the City of Plymouth’s taxing borders. A $10 fee will be charged.
Personal conduct is included in the agreement and states, “All persons utilizing of city property shall be expected to conduct themselves in an appropriated and responsible manner at all times. Absolutely no alcohol or alcoholic Beverages will be in or on city property.” The city reserves the right to remove any person or group failing to comply with the conduct standards set forth in the agreement.