The Plymouth Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals will meet tonight at 7 and 7:30 in the second-floor Council Chambers of City Hall.
The Plan Commission will hear the request of Marla Webster, Rick Master, Randy Master, and Jim Master for a minor subdivision of 1.47 acres at 7293 North Michigan Road. Their second request comes from Indiana Tool & Manufacturing. They are seeking a minor subdivision of 6.89 acres at 6417 Lilac Road.
The request of Garden Court to rezone property on East Jefferson Street for a transitional housing project has been withdrawn.
The Plymouth Board of Zoning Appeals has two cases to consider. Norfalk Properties is seeking a variance of development standards to have a 73.46 square-foot double-sided monument sign structure with illumination at 2923 Van Vactor Drive. The second request is from Art Jacobs, president of the BZA. He is seeking a variance of development standards to build an accessory building before a primary building at 1221 Elm Street.
The Plan Commission and BZA meetings are open to the public and streamed live using Teams on the city’s website.