The Plymouth Plan Commission is meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in the second-floor Council Chambers of City Hall due to the Presidential Election on Tuesday.
The agenda includes a petition from 3 Cramer, LLC, in Plymouth to change the zoning of a parcel between 929 and 1027 Broadway Street from I-Industrial to R-3 Traditional Residential District. The request is to permit the building of a home on the 1.73-acre parcel.
The second agenda item is an order determining that a resolution amending the Declaratory Resolution approved and adopted by the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission conforms to the Comprehensive Plan. The Redevelopment Commission wants to add $350,000 of funding to the Marshall County Career Innovation Center to assist with capital expenditures for the educational institution. This includes specialized equipment and furniture for the various training areas, including veterinary and culinary.
The Redevelopment Commission has to approve adding the new project to the TIF District project list. Then, the Plymouth Plan Commission must review and determine that the project is reasonable and appropriate in relation to the area resolution. The request then moves on to the city council for consideration before the Redevelopment Commission conducts a public hearing and could motion to approve the project.
The Plymouth Plan Commission is open to the public and streamed live using Teams on the city’s website.
The Plymouth Board of Zoning Appeals has no agenda items, so they will not meet tonight.