
Plymouth School Board Approves Capacity Limits for Transfer Students

The Plymouth School Board approved the Capacity and Deadlines for Transfer Students during their meeting last week. 

Assistant Superintendent Jill VanDriessche presented the draft which establishes the number of students in the various grade levels for the 2023-24 school year. 

Kindergarten, First and Second, Third and Fourth, and grades Five through Eight will have a maximum of 325 students per grade. For grades Ninth through Twelfth, the number of students will be unlimited.   

If the total number of students requesting to transfer to Plymouth Community School Corporation does not exceed the capacity per grade level that has been established and published by the Board, students will be recommended for acceptance at the Board meeting immediately after receipt of their applications.

If the total number of students requesting to transfer to the PCSC exceeds the capacity per grade level established, a lottery will be held at the next Board meeting to determine the students to be recommended for acceptance at the next Board meeting immediately after receipt of their application. 

The School Board approved the capacity numbers without question.