On Wednesday, May 22nd, the Plymouth Community School Corporation held its second annual “Graduation Walks” where seniors return for a nostalgic procession through the elementary school they attended
The elementary students line the hallways and the seniors parade through the school.
This is a student-created event that debuted last year and this year over 100 seniors signed up to participate!
Seniors arrived at their elementary schools adorned with their caps and gowns and were treated to cheers, applause, and high-fives from the students and teachers.
It's a heartwarming occasion that not only celebrates the achievements of PHS graduating seniors but also inspires younger students to dream big. It is so special to see the seniors back where they first began kindergarten. The walk demonstrates how far they have come and shows younger students a glimpse into the future. The journey sure goes by fast.
The rough numbers of seniors going back to their elementary schools were 31 at Webster, 30 at Washington Discovery Academy, 21 for Menominee Elementary, and 14 at Jefferson. 9 seniors participated in the Graduation Walk at St. Michael School.