The Plymouth Street Department is in the midst of their annual leaf sweeping process.
For the next few weeks, weather permitting, employees from the city’s street department will be canvassing the five areas within the city limits and sweeping up leaves that have been placed at the curb. Leaves should be swept to the curb and not placed in the street because they can block the gutters and rainwater as it travels down the storm sewers.
The city’s leaf machines do not go through the alleys or into manufactured home parks. The city also doesn’t sweep leaves in the spring so now is the time to rake up your leaves and let the city haul them away. It should also be noted that it is unlawful to burn leaves within the city limits.
The City of Plymouth will be sweeping up leaves at the curb weekdays through Friday, November 23rd.
Anyone with questions can call the Plymouth Street Department at 574-936-2017.