The 200 block of North Center Street should be opened by this Friday, July 26th according to Mayor Robert Listenberger.
During this week’s Board of Public Works and Safety meeting the mayor said he spoke with the Director of the Plymouth Public Library and a representative from R. Yoder Construction, the construction company doing the renovation work at the library. The southbound lane of Center Street in front of the library has been closed most of the last two years for the multi-million-dollar renovation project of the library. The area was used to store equipment, materials and trash dumpsters for the work. R. Yoder is nearing completion of the project and has already cleared and opened the parking lot behind the library. Removing the remaining storage units on Center will allow for traffic to flow both north and south and open back up parking on both sides of the street.
City Councilman Randy Longanecker, a contractor himself, asked the street superintendent to check the condition of Center Street once the heavy containers are moved thinking they may be damaged from their extended time on the asphalt.
Marquardt told board members that the pre-construction meeting with Rieth-Riley Construction was held, and they anticipate starting the 2024 Street and Sidewalk Projects on Friday, August 9. Work is scheduled to be complete by September 14, if the weather cooperates. This year’s street and sidewalk work includes Garro Street from Walnut to Third Street, Fourth Street from Adams to Garro, Washington Street between Third and Fifth Streets, Bayless Street from Webster to Alexander, Miner Street between Webster and Williams, Clinton Street that goes back towards the cemetery, 4th Street between Lake Avenue and LaPorte Street and Monroe Street between Beerenbrook and Fifth Street.
GIANT fm WTCA asked for an update on the Hoham Drive project between North Michigan Street and Western Avenue. Marquardt said after the last update, construction is expected to be completed by the end of July or the first few days of August. He said the striping is complete, curbs, gutters and driveways are installed but they still have landscaping to complete, back-filling, a couple of fencing projects and dirt work. They are waiting on a new street light arm for the new signal pole in front of the bank. The original arm is too short.
Marquardt said it is a safety factor for workers doing the landscaping with the street open to traffic.
This project was delayed by nearly a year due to NIPSCO’s contractor who was hired to relocate a major gas line. Months later, when the gas line was relocated, it was discovered the contractor put it in the wrong place causing additional delays.