
Purdue Extension Board Annual Meeting and Dinner

The Marshall County Extension Board, the oversight committee for Purdue Extension activities in Marshall County, will host its annual meeting and dinner on Thursday, November 12, at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be at Plymouth Wesleyan Church, 11203 Michigan Road. Log House Restaurant will prepare a full meal. Join the Marshall County Extension Board for an evening of celebrating the efforts of our local Purdue Extension office.

The Extension Board Annual Meeting will begin with registration and fellowship at 6:00 PM, with dinner to follow. This year’s featured speaker will be Dr. Beth Hall. Dr. Beth Hall is the Director of the Indiana State Climate Office, Midwestern Regional Climate Center, and manager of the Purdue Mesonet. With over 25 years of climate services experience, she has dedicated her efforts toward identifying opportunities for climate data to be transformed into decision-support tools and resources for various themes across the Midwest including agriculture, weather extremes, and impact risk. Her research interests throughout her career have focused on climate applications and operational climate tools for stakeholders and decision-support needs.

The entire Marshall County community is welcome and encouraged to attend. Tickets for the Marshall County Extension Board Annual Meeting are available through the Marshall County Extension Office or any current Extension Board member at the cost of $10.00/ticket. Tickets must be purchased before November 1st.

Current Extension Board members include President- Todd Stuckman, Vice President – Marianne Peters, Secretary- Lynn Fitzpatrick, Terri Barnhart, Steve Barry, and Jodie Overmyer.

The Purdue Extension Service is represented in Marshall County by Brianna Slonaker, Extension Educator for Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Karen Richey, Extension Educator for Health and Human Sciences, Jayne Deaton Extension Educator for 4-H Youth Development. Beckie Lies is the local Community Wellness Coordinator. Nutrition Education Program Assistants include Kathe Beehler and Yolanda Gorka. Office support staff include Lindsay Schrader, Krystyna Hyrczyk, and Payton Johnson.    

To purchase Annual Meeting and Dinner tickets, please contact the Marshall County Extension Office at 574-935-8545 or e-mail  . The Extension Office is located on the 3rd floor of the Marshall County Building, 112 W Jefferson St. Room 304, Plymouth.