Marshall County 4-H will be hosting several workshops this month. These workshops are available to Marshall County 4-H members who are interested in learning more about projects offered through the 4-H program. Upcoming workshops include Jewelry (March 15), Fabric Painting (March 22), and Horticulture (March 29). During the workshops, members will work on a project, learn new skills, or improve their skills with a project leader.
For complete event information and registration, please visit https://tinyurl.com/MarshallCoACWorkshops or https://25MarshallCoFlowers.4honline.com and log in through the 4-HOnline account. New families must register for an account before registering for the workshop. Current 4-H members will need to re-enroll for the new year if they have not already done so. All workshops will be hosted at the Marshall County Extension Office112 W Jefferson St., Room 304, Plymouth.
If you would like more information on the 4-H program visit our website https://extension.purdue.edu/county/marshall/4-h_information.html or call the Marshall County Extension office 574-935-8545 or email marshces@purdue.edu. You can also find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MarshallCo4H .