On Monday, April 29th, at approximately 12:45, in the morning the Marshall County Central Dispatch Center received a phone call from Gatewood Mobile Home Park in LaPaz for reports of a former husband coming to the female's property and cutting the tires of her vehicle.
There was an active protection order in place where the situation happened.
County officers were unable to locate the subject but obtained an address where the suspect lived. Officers went to the 2400 block of U.S. 31 and located the suspect's vehicle. Officers spoke to the homeowner and were told he was not there, nor were they allowed inside to look for the suspect.
Later in the morning on Monday, after 6:00 AM, Marshall County Deputy Wozniak spotted the suspect’s vehicle on U.S. 6 and stopped the vehicle near Sycamore Road. The suspect, 33-year-old Terry L. Rosander of Plymouth, was driving.
Rosander was taken into custody for invasion of privacy and criminal mischief, transported to the Marshall County Jail, and held on a $500 cash bond. He bonded out just after midnight Tuesday morning.
Readers are reminded that charging information supported by an affidavit of probable cause is merely an allegation that a crime has been committed and that there is only probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. They are presumed innocent throughout the proceedings and are entitled to be represented by counsel and entitled to a trial by jury at which the State is obligated to provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt before a judgment of guilt may be made.