The Plymouth Community School Board's actions Tuesday evening have given the varsity gymnasium at Plymouth High School a new name. The board approved Athletic Director Josh Troyer's request to name the school’s main gym after Coach Jack Edison, a Hall of Fame inductee.
Troyer said, “This evening, I’m here in front of you to ask your approval to do the naming rights for our main basketball, volleyball, and wrestling floor in honor of legendary basketball coach Jack Edison.”
Troyer told the board the proposal he is presenting aligns with district policies and is supported by a community-driven fundraising campaign. While fundraising contributions of the facility will support it, the naming rights are not contingent on receiving the full fundraising goal. He continued, “We believe the initiative honors the coach’s contributions while also benefiting the school’s athletic programs as well.”
School Board member Robin Cupka asked what the goal of the fundraising campaign is and Troyer said the goal is $200,000. Another board member asked if they were just refinishing the floor or redoing the hardwood and Troyer said, “The would be to redo the whole hardwood, although it is somewhat contingent on the finances.” He went on to say the main floor is well past its life expectancy (50 years) and the playing surface is just a small portion of the overall project.
Superintendent Mitch Mawhorter said they are looking at $600,000 for other improvements including some cosmetic upgrades around the gymnasium.
Board member Steve Holm asked about fundraisers and Troyer said they will first start with former players of Coach Edison because there seems to be a lot of support from them. Also other former athletes and the community.
The Plymouth School Board unanimously approved the request to name the main gym at PHS after Coach Jack Edison.