
Senator Braun Supports McCarthy Debt Ceiling Proposal, Calls on Conservatives to Stand Strong

Tuesday, Senator Braun endorsed Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s framework to Limit Spending, Save Taxpayer Money, and Grow the Economy outlined in a letter to President Biden. 

Last year, Senator Braun wrote his own balanced budget – The Braun Budget – which he forced onto the Senate floor implementing many of the budget ideas laid out in the Speaker’s framework. The final vote was 34 – 65.  

“I support the framework to limit spending and grow the economy set out by Speaker McCarthy in his letter to President Biden today. I championed these solutions to fix our debt nightmare in my balanced budget last year, such as reclaiming COVID funds, strengthening work requirements for able-bodied Americans receiving welfare, and reducing excessive non-defense/non-entitlement spending that’s been dishonestly put into the ‘mandatory’ category to shield it from cuts. Only 33 Republican Senators stood with me last year to pass a balanced budget, and I sure hope more conservatives are now ready to be conservative and back Speaker McCarthy’s effort to restore fiscal sanity.”