
Senator Young joins effort to uncover total federal funding awarded to abortion providers

U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.) recently joined a bipartisan, bicameral letter sent to the Government Accountability Office to investigate the amount of federal funding that has been awarded to abortion providers –

including the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the International Planned Parenthood Federation – over the past three years. 

The letter was signed by a total of 112 members of Congress. 

Full text of the letter can be found here and below:

We are writing to request updated information on federal funding for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Planned Parenthood Federation of America, International Planned Parenthood Federation, MSI Reproductive Choices, and four domestic abortion providers.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has prepared several congressionally requested reports on federal funds for these organizations.  We are grateful for the past products and respectfully request that the GAO provide a similar report covering fiscal years 2022-2024. Proper oversight of public funds and programs is crucial for determining the value of the goods and services provided to and funded by American taxpayers.  The information sought in this inquiry is instrumental for policymakers and the public alike.  It is our hope that this report will provide greater insight as Congress considers funding levels and provides increased transparency and openness for our constituencies and the general public.

To this end, we respectfully request that the GAO identify the following for fiscal years 2022-2024: 

Federally Qualified Health Centers:

  • Federal obligations, disbursements, and expenditures of federal funds by or to FQHCs in each fiscal year, 2022-2024.  This data should include anomalies such as Paycheck Protection Program loans and loan forgiveness.
  • Data on the number of individuals served and the types of visits provided, including preventative services provided.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (including affiliates):

  • Federal obligations, disbursements, and the expenditures of federal funds by each of these organizations in each fiscal year, 2022-2024.  This data should include anomalies such as Paycheck Protection Program loans and loan forgiveness.
  • The funding sources (such as block grants) for federal agencies (such as the Administration for Children and Families and any other agency or sub-agency that funds activities that Planned Parenthood may provide) and programs associated with these federal funds (including Medicaid and Title X).
  • How these funds were made available (such as by direct funding or pass-through funding).
  • Reported obligations, disbursements, and expenditures by program for the top 15 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) programs.
  • Reported obligations, disbursements, and expenditures by program from federal agencies other than HHS.

International Planned Parenthood Federation (including affiliates) and MSI Reproductive Choices, formerly Marie Stopes International (including affiliates):

  • Federal obligations, disbursements, and expenditures of federal funds by each of these organizations in each fiscal year, 2022-2024.
  • The funding sources for federal agencies (such as United States Agency for International Development, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, and any other agency or subagency that funds activities that the groups in question may provide) and any programs associated with these federal funds (such as funding provided by USAID missions).
  • How these funds were made available (such as by direct funding or pass-through funding).
  • Reported expenditures of federal funding from USAID by funding type.

For the following specified domestic abortion providers (including affiliates):

  • Federal obligations, disbursements, and expenditures of federal funds by each of these organizations for each fiscal year, 2022-2024.
  • The funding sources (such as block grants) for federal agencies (such as the Administration for Children & Families and any other agency or sub-agency that funds activities that Planned Parenthood may provide) and programs associated with these federal funds (including Medicaid and Title X).
  • How these funds were made available (such as by direct funding or pass-through funding).
  • The specified domestic abortion providers are FPA Women’s Health, American Women’s Services, All Women’s Health Center, Whole Women’s Health.

We sincerely hope that this report will be completed in a timely manner, and we request a projection of its expected completion.  Thank you for your attention to this request.
