Sign-ups for the Plymouth Junior League Baseball programs are now open. Online registration is available at www.pjlb.activesports.com/
Children aged 4 to 16 are eligible to participate in the junior league baseball program. T-ball is for kids ages 4 to 6 for $65, C-league is for children ages 6 to 9 for $100, B-league for ages 10 to 12-year-old for $100, and Pony-league is for 13 to 16-year-olds for $100. The league has a maximum cost of $150 per family.
Drafts for Plymouth Junior League Baseball will be held in April and practices will start soon after. All leagues play from May 5 until the end of June with the exception of T-ball which starts in June and runs into the middle of July.
Plymouth Junior League Baseball also needs coaches and team sponsors. For more information contact the league at plymouthjuniorleagueinc@gmail.