
Surf Internet Updates Commissioner of Rural Fiber Project

Gene Cruise from Surf Internet appeared before the Marshall County Commissioner on Monday to update them on the fiber expansion project the commissioners supported with a $1 million pledge from the American Rescue Plan Act.  Surf Internet and Marshall County Fiber each received $500,000 to expand broadband to the underserved areas in Marshall County with the funds. 

Cruise told the commissioners the project they are using the funds for will serve homes in the northeast part of rural Marshall County. By leveraging those funds Surf is able to also build out the entire area around LaPaz and Lake of the Woods.

The commissioners approved a couple of permits for Surf to work in the county’s right-of-way during the Highway Department’s portion of the meeting.  Cruise said that action will allow them to set their electronic equipment that will connect to the ChoiceLight network to go back to South Bend and down to Plymouth.

Surf Internet is ready to start construction in LaPaz and in the grant area in the next two weeks.  They are just waiting for the permits from the Highway Department to come through and they will be ready to go.  Construction for Lake of the Woods will start later this summer.

The Commissioners were pleased with the update and that the ARPA funds will be helping to bring fiber to some of the rural areas in Marshall County.