
The 2025 Culver Sidewalk Program opens April 1

Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 1:00 AM

By Kathy Bottorff

The 2025 Culver Sidewalk Program will open at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, April 1. The program aims to collaborate with homeowners to replace sidewalks.

The program reimburses homeowners a fixed amount per square foot for sidewalks, per linear foot for curbs, and curb/sidewalk combinations when the sidewalk and curb are adjacent. The town council determines this amount. This is NOT a 50/50 program. The homeowner is responsible for hiring a contractor, providing the town with specifications, and paying for the services.  

Applications are available at Completed applications, including a sketch of the property and sidewalk to be replaced, will be accepted via email at 8 a.m. local time Tuesday, April 1. Applications will be reviewed in the order they are received after 8 a.m. Applications may be emailed to Applications will be accepted through July 1 or until the funds set aside for the sidewalk program are committed, whichever is first. Applications for completed projects do not qualify and will not be accepted.

Once applications are received, they will be reviewed by the utility superintendent, who will confirm the measurements. The town reserves the right to adjust measurements based on the site's conditions and will not participate in any concrete placed outside the measurements applied for.

If your site qualifies for the program, you will receive a letter from the Culver Clerk-Treasurer confirming your participation, the reimbursement amount, and the next steps. Please refrain from starting your project until you have received the confirmation letter.

To qualify for reimbursement, sidewalks and curbs must adhere to ADA and town specifications. You are responsible for coordinating with a contractor and supplying them with the town specifications. Additionally, you are responsible for ensuring safety markings during construction, removing debris, and restoring the construction area to its original condition.

Before placing concrete, you or your contractor must call the utilities superintendent for an inspection. He can be reached at 574.292.3943. Failure to do so will result in the loss of reimbursement and may result in the replacement of the concrete at the owner’s expense.

If there are any further questions, please call the Culver Town Hall at 574.842.3140.