Donnie Davidson, the City of Plymouth Utility Superintendent updated members of the Board of Public Works and Safety on several projects during last week’s meeting.
The million-dollar solar project at the Wastewater Treatment Plan was commissioned last week and Davidson said, “We are producing electricity.” In fact, the plant has been able to produce more energy than the treatment plant needs to operate.
The test well is providing adequate water volume and quality. Davidson said a new permanent well will be drilled this spring and it’s anticipated it will be completed by fall. Once completed the existing well will be retired.
Davidson also provided an update on the program to inspect the water lines to homes for lead. He said they are 80% complete and they have only found a few homes with lead pipes coming into the residence. The inspection process should be completed in March and then the city will complete an inventory that will be submitted to the state and they will begin the process of creating a strategic plan to replace the lead lines found.