The Plymouth Community School Corporation is currently working on a driveway and parking area improvement project at Washington Discovery Academy.
In March the corporation opened three bids for the work, Reith Riley Construction’s bid was $1,076,181 while Niblock Excavating had a bid of $986,000 and the lowest bid was from Milestone Contractors at $979,100. The bid was awarded to Milestone and work has been underway for a few weeks.
Dave Schoff, the PCSC Director of Facilities said the project is a complete rework of curbs, asphalt, sidewalks, and lighting. This project will improve ADA accessibility on the campus, widen narrow driveways for bus shuttle purposes along with addressing some drainage issues.
Approximately 30 additional parking spots will be created in the project bringing the school’s parking comparable to the other schools with similar enrollment. One of the goals is that the additional spots will improve the traffic flow during pickup.
This project will include a new speed-table crosswalk in front of the school. Speed-tables are traffic-calming devices that raise the entire wheelbase of a vehicle to reduce its traffic speed. Speed tables are longer than speed humps and flat-topped, with a height of 3–3.5 inches and a length of 22 feet.
The goal is to have the project completed in time for the start of school. Schoof said, “At the current rate, they will at least have significant progress-- we may not be completely finished.”