The Marshall County Extension Board hosted its annual meeting and dinner on Thursday at Plymouth Wesleyan Church. The meeting included a full meal prepared by Log House Restaurant.
This year’s featured speaker was Dr. Beth Hall, Director of the Indiana State Climate Office, Midwestern Regional Climate Center, and manager of the Purdue Mesonet. She covered several topics, including global and local climate change, past and future forecasts, and tools available to the public for observing local climate data. To view the data, visit: https://tinyurl.com/purduemesonatedatahub.
Each year, the Purdue Extension Board selects a Friend of Extension recipient, a community member who supports the mission and vision of Marshall County Purdue Extension. This year’s recipient was Kathy Bottorff with GIANT fm WTCA. Kathy has dedicated her life to promoting not only Marshall County Purdue Extension by sharing news on Marshall County as a whole. Purdue Extension has been invited to attend her monthly weekday “What’s Your Opinion” show to promote educational topics and upcoming programs. We are grateful for her continued support and dedication.
Current Extension Board members include President- Todd Stuckman, Vice President – Marianne Peters, Secretary- Lynn Fitzpatrick, Terri Barnhart, Steve Barry, and Jodie Overmyer. We are excited to welcome new board members, beginning in 2025, which include Barb Holcomb, Pam Kurtis, Martha Ramirez, and Tim Starr.
The Purdue Extension Service is represented in Marshall County by Brianna Slonaker, Extension Educator for Agriculture and Natural Resources; Karen Richey, Extension Educator for Health and Human Sciences and Co-County Extension Director; Jayne Deaton, Extension Educator for 4-H Youth Development and Co-County Extension Director. Beckie Lies is the local Community Wellness Coordinator. Nutrition Education Program Assistants include Kathe Beehler and Yolanda Gorka. Office support staff include Lindsay Schrader, Krystyna Hyrczyk, and Payton Johnson.