
Culver shoots past West Central

CULVER — Culver's Cavs got a win over West Central by a 73-45 final.

Emiliano Ortiz hit for 25 with seven rebounds and six assists. Shane Shuman added a double/double of 23 points and 11 rebounds. Ethan Keller had six assists and three steals.


Culver 17 37 51 73

W. Central 9 22 36 45

Culver (73) — Ethan Keller 5 pts, Emiliano Ortiz- 25 pts, Shane Suman 23 pts, Joey Pizur 9 pts, Oliver Morgan 8 pts, Logan Caudill3 pts.

West Central (45) — White- 9 pts, Marlatt- 2 pts, Bolen- 0 pts, Nannenga- 26 pts, Lewark- 2 pts, Hughes- 4 pts, Boehning- 2 pts.

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