
Red Storm sweeps Bremen

Red Storm sweeps Bremen Both the 7th and 8th grade Lincoln Junior High girls track teams defeated Bremen Tuesday night to move their records to 5-1. The 7th grade won 88-16 and 8th grade won 89-20. The Lincoln girls swept the 100m dash in the 7th grade with Hopple taking third, Ellie Jones second, and Jayden Beran winning with a time of 13.8 seconds. The Red Storm also dominated in the 200m dash with Lauren Manges taking third, Beran second, and Brighton Bird winning with a time of 28.1 seconds. The 8th grade girls also had many personal records set during the meet. Some highlights were Sara Hunter winning the high jump with a jump of 4-3 and Kami Burkett taking second. Kami Burkett also excelled in the long jump, placing second with a jump of 12-9. Her teammate, Summer South, had another win with a jump of 14-6.75. The 8th grade hurdlers took the top three positions in both the 100 and 200 meter hurdles. In the 100m, Emma Warren took third, Amber Wager placed second, and Aumrie Weiss finished first with a time of 18.4 seconds. The Red Storm will have their final meet of the year this Saturday at 9:30 a.m.

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