Indiana’s Natural Resources Commission (NRC) has opened its second public comment period for proposed changes to allow the limited, regulated trapping of bobcats in designated counties.
In March, the Indiana General Assembly passed legislation (SEA 241-2024) directing the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR), by July of 2025, to have rules in place for bobcat harvest.
This is the second of two comment periods to occur before the NRC votes on the proposed changes.
Proposed rule changes include:
• Establishing a bobcat trapping season in 40 southern Indiana counties, including a bag limit of one bobcat per trapper and a season quota of 250 bobcats.
• Allowing bobcats and their parts that are legally acquired to be sold.
• Allowing bobcats that are found dead to be kept by people with a permit.
• Adding bobcats to the list of species for which a game breeder’s license is required.
Research maintained by the DNR and Purdue University shows that the bobcat population in Indiana has expanded during the last two decades. This research can be reviewed at on.IN.gov/dfw-rule-changes.
Bobcats have well-established populations in the 40 proposed counties, and analysis shows that this high-quality habitat can continue to support a healthy, sustainable bobcat population that can withstand a regulated harvest.
Public comments can be submitted at IN.gov/nrc/rules/rulemaking-docket by clicking on “Submit Comments Here” under the Bobcat Amendments rule.
Comments can also be mailed to:
Natural Resources Commission
Indiana Government Center North
100 North Senate Ave., Room N103
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Please note that comments received during the first comment period (in person or online) will be included with comments received during this second comment period. Multiple comments given by the same person will only be counted as one comment by that person.
The deadline for submitting public comments is Jan. 16. A public hearing will also be held on Jan. 16, between 5:30-8 p.m. ET at the Johnson County Fairgrounds (Scott Hall), 250 Fairgrounds St., Franklin, IN 46131.
Interested members of the public can attend in person or online anytime during that timeframe. The public hearing will also be webcast live at IN.gov/nrc/rules/rulemaking-docket during the time of the public hearing, and viewers will be able to comment during the webcast. Sign up for updates at on.IN.gov/dfw-rule-changes.