
Congratulations to the Putnam County Master Gardeners

Purdue Extension Master Gardener volunteers contribute significantly to the lives of Indiana residents and local communities each year. In 2022, the Putnam County Master Gardeners volunteered more than 1,721 hours in Putnam County by hosting horticulture related events, working at the Putnam County Fair, and raising funds for future horticulture/agricultural scholarships.  During the December Putnam County Master Gardener Association meeting, several local residents received a new Master Gardener certification.  To earn Purdue Master Gardener certifications, volunteers must complete horticultural training conducted by Purdue Extension county offices and engage in volunteer service that has been approved by Master Gardener county coordinators and performed in Indiana communities.


During the 2022 December Putnam County Master Gardener Association meeting, Linda Hunter and Janice White received their Master Gardener certification (40 cumulative volunteer hours & 40 cumulative education hours).


Those receiving their Advanced Extension Master Gardener certification (65 cumulative volunteer hours & 50 cumulative education hours) include Judi Bundza and Linda Kanouse. Yvonne Clifford, Brian Dickerson, and Kim Dickerson earned their Master Gardener certification and Advanced Master Gardener certification.


Those receiving their Advanced Extension Master Gardener Bronze certification (200 cumulative volunteer hours & 60 cumulative education hours) include John Garner, Pat Johnson, Margaret Kenton, Jeanne Sibbitt, and Donna Wilson.


Beth Connell, Brenda Freeman, Kristi Nelson, and Howard Shrader earned their Advanced Extension Master Gardener Silver certification.  To earn their Advanced Extension Master Gardener Silver certification, they had to accumulate 500 volunteer hours and 75 education hours.


Please join Purdue Extension in congratulating all of the Purdue Extension Master Gardeners who received a new certification!


If you would like to know more about the Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program, please contact the Putnam County Extension Office at 765-653-8411. Purdue University is an equal access/equal opportunity institution.


Pictured are the Putnam County Master Gardeners who recently received new certification in 2022.  Individuals include, back row, left to right, John Gardner, Brian Dickerson, Kim Dickerson, Yvonne Clifford, Brenda Freeman, Kristi Nelson, and Howard Shrader.  The front row, left to right, include Donna Wilson, Pat Johnson, Linda Hunter, Beth Connell, and Jeanne Sibbitt.  Those not pictured include Judi Bundza, Linda Kanouse, Margaret Kenton, and Janice White.

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