Indiana 211’s mission is to improve quality of life for Hoosiers by promoting equity and connecting people to health and human service resources through highly skilled navigators, continuous community collaboration and a robust community database and technological innovations. National 211 Day celebrates and helps to spread awareness in the United States about assistance, resources and services offered by 211.
As a result, Governor Eric Holcomb has proclaimed Feb. 11, 2024, as 211 Day in Indiana.
Indiana 211 became a part of the Family and Social Services Administration in July of 2020, and since then, has assisted hundreds of thousands of Hoosiers connect with help and answers from thousands of health and human service agencies and resources in their local communities—quickly, easily and confidentially. Indiana 211’s team is comprised of experienced, responsive and compassionate community navigators who are skilled at actively listening and identifying needs and providing referrals that best meet those needs
In 2023, Indiana 211 answered approximately 180,905 calls and community navigators helped make over 637,930 referrals to community organizations and programs.
Indiana 211 uses statistical data from calls, texts, and web visits to help shed light on the nature of social needs in Indiana for community decision-makers and government across the state. Communities are encouraged to search the Indiana 211 dashboard, county-by county, by multiple counties or statewide, to identify top need categories by their chosen metric, including the percentage of unmet needs within each need category.
To access Indiana 211, simply call 2-1-1 or 1-866-211-9966 from anywhere in Indiana, text your ZIP code to 898-211 or visit our website at IN211.org.